Legal information

Feralco Environnement SAS
158 avenue de Stalingrad – Bât. 6
92712 COLOMBES Cedex


Represented by : Alain Benazra
Registered office : Colombes
Company Registration Number : Nanterre B 353 782 329
VAT : FR62 353 782 329

The information on this website is provided without any warranty and Feralco Environnement SAS takes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.
Links to other sites lies completely outside Feralco Environnement SAS responsibility and Feralco Environnement SAS herby expressly declares that at the time of linking to corresponding liked pages those were free of illegal content.
Feralco continuously works for a safe environment without virus, worms and similar but can make no guarantees. Therefore, we always recommend that you take safety precautions before downloading information from our website.

By using our website, you consent to our terms of condition and our privacy policy. Every time you visit our website, you should read the terms since they can be changed and updated during time. All updates and changes enter info force immediately.